Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chap 34: Fibrinolytic drugs

- rapidly lyse thrombin by catalysing plasminogen --> plasmin
- plasmin itself cannot be used due to inhibiting enzymes

- streptokinase
  • made by streotpcocci - converts inactive plasminogen to plasmin
- urokinase
  • human enzyme synthesized by kidney
- anistreplase
  • anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex
  • complex of purified human plaminogen + bacterial streptokinase
  • allows rapid IV injection, allows greater clot selectivity
- tissue plasminogen activators
  • preferentially activates plasminogen THAT IS BOUND TO FIBRIN
  • in theory - only lyses formed thrombus - avoids systemic activation
  • alteplase - recombinant DNA technology --> human tPA
  • reteplase - same as alteplase with several amino acids deleted - less expensive to produce but less fibrin-specific than t-PA
  • tenecteplase - mutant form of t-PA with longer T1/2
Thrombolytic drugs for AMI
- 20% reduction in mortality for pt with AMI
- PCI (intervention) = PTCA +- stent - better but if not available = thrombolysis
- pt selection is critical
  • dx of AMI - clinical + ECG
  • pt with STEMI and new onset BBB has best outcomes
  • earlier the better, within 6 hrs onset of AMI
Other indication and dosage
- PE with hemodynamic instability
- severe DVT - SVC syndrome, ascending thrombophlebitis of iliofemoral vein - severe edema
- intraarterial PVD
- AMI:
  • streptokinase: loading dose 250K units, then 100K U/hr for 24-72 hrs; beware antistreptococcal antibodies - fever, allergic reaction
- acute ischaemic stroke
  • <3hrs>
  • ensure not hemorrhagic infarct - better outcome
  • check dosage as higher dosage 1.5million units --> increased bleeding risk
- d

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